Rules and Regulations

Rules and regulations for Students and Respected Parents

The fee should be deposited by the parents in the school in time. Late deposition of fee will be fined as per rules. The students should not bring the fee to the school and the school will not be responsible for any loss of fee.

The dues must be deposited by the 10th of the corresponding month. The late fees fine of Rs. 10/- per day will be charged upto 15th of the month and Rs. 15/- per day will be charged from 16th to 20th of the month. Thereafter the name will be struck off automatically. NO REMINDERS WILL BE SENT.

The parents/ guardians are requested to preserve the receipts and produce them and proof of payment, if needed.

Fee shall have to be paid as long as the name of the student is on the rolls.

The fee is charged bi-monthly. The annual funds for the next session shall have to be deposited in February. Any delay upto mid of March shall be fined Rs. 10/- per day. If the annual funds are not deposited by the given time, the seat of the defaulting student shall be treated as vacant.

If the name is struck off on any of the grounds, all the charges for the admission shall have to be repaid.

The school can review and revise the fee and fund structure to meet the increased costs or unforeseen contingencies. Additional funds can be charged for the new service.

The fee once paid, shall not be returned except in the case of outstation transfer.

There will be and annual increase of 7 to 10% in the fee and other funds.

No leave of absence is granted except on prior written application from parents/ guardians and that too for convincing and justifiable reasons. An absentee shall be fined Rs. 10/- per day. The students of X, XI& XII shall be fined Rs. 25/-  per day and Rs. 10/- for missing class without information of the teacher. Since the student of X. XI, XII do not take the practical seriously there will be additional fine of Rs. 20/- per day for missing the practical. Any student abstaining on Saturday will be fined Rs. 50/- each time.

In case of absence without leave, the student on returning, to the school, must produce evidence supporting the reason of absence. The student returning to school after contagious or infectious disease should also produce a doctor’s certificate permitting one to attend school. The school accepts no responsibility, if due to failure in producing such certificate, a student is obliged to return home

All students are expected to attend school on the reopening day after each vacation. Absence for more than seven consecutive working, days render the student liable to he struck off the rolls.



Every student should daily carry with him/ her the school diary.

The students must be in their respective class rooms at-least five minutes before the time fixed for the school to start in the morning.

The warning bell in the morning is a signal for all to go to their respective class rooms. This should be done in silence and in a discipline manner.

All the students are required to be present for prayer, drill and march past in the morning and maintain the decorum.

The attendance roll will be daily taken at the beginning of the both sessions.

No child is permitted to leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal, which will be granted only at the specific written request of the parents. All students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The school uniform is to be worn on all the says. Defaulters shall be fined Rs. 10/- per day and even may be sent back home.

The principal has the right to confiscate books, newspapers, periodicals and any other material which may be considered objectionable.

Money should neither be lent more borrowed and the articles should of be exchanged between the students, specially between the boys and girls.

No collections, for any purpose whatsoever to be started and no meetings, party or picnic may be held without the prior permission of the principal.

Care must be taken of all the school property and no student should scratch or spoil the desks or chairs or damage any other school furniture, write or draw anything on the wall or in any way damage the things belonging to the others. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher or to the principal. Any damage will be made good by the one who does it. Anyone who sees something damaged should report the matter even if one does not know who has done it. No student should bring razor, blades or any sharp instrument or any weapon to school.

All letters and correspondence addressed to the students are subject to the scrutiny of the Principal.

The school is not responsible for the articles or money lost. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles like expensive watches, ornaments, fountain pens etc. to school.

Running, playing, shouting and whistling inside the school building is strictly prohibited. It is to be treated as silence zone.

Parents and Guardians are not permitted to walk into class rooms or interview teachers during class hours.

The name, class and section of the student should be clearly marked on all his/ her belongings.

The students should behave in the refined manner wherever they go and always remember that they are the ambassadors of the school. They should always greet their teachers, elders and friends in pleasant and gentle manner, wherever they meet them in the school or outside.

The students are strictly prohibited to bring mobile to the school. If mobile is recovered from any student, it will be confiscated and the student will be suspended for at-least seven days with a fine of Rs. 500/-

The students should cheerfully obey their parents and teachers, give them due respect and affection.

The students who come to the school in the are of servant should never leave before the servant arrives. In case of delay they should report to the school office.

Those who go to home at their own should not loiter about on the way. They should be prompt in returning home. The students are warned not to buy anything, especially eatables from street vendors and accept things from strangers.

The students will not he called to answer phone calls during class hours, except in case of grave emergencies.