
School Admission criteria For Students

Entrance Test:

The student seeking admission will have to take entrance test and the student will be admitted to the class for which one is found fit it is the discretion of the school authorities to admit or not to admit any child. No explanation will be given for these decisions.

Transfer Certificate:

The student migrating from other schools must produce the transfer certificate and progress report from the previous school. Those joining the first class should produce birth certificate or other satisfactory evidence of date of birth.


The students can be withdrawn from the school by the parents by giving three month’s advance notice in writing. In the absence of such a notice, three months, fee will be charged.


The school authorities can suspend or expel the student on any one or more of these ground:

  1. Constant weakness in studies.
  2. Irregularity in attendance.
  3. Discipline or behaviour problems.
  4. Non-payment of dues in the stipulated period.
  5. Any breach of rules considered serious by the school authorities.
  6. Discourteous, irresponsible, objectionable and aggressive conduct of the parents or guardians or anybody else acting on behalf of the student.